Man attacks the sacred when he rejects God and the true religion!

Man attacks the sacred when he rejects God and the true religion!

The Antichrist will be the hater and destroyer of the sacred par excellence. For he will promote himself and his affairs on this earth as Bergoglio the Antichrist so endlessly does, as his only and ultimate concerns--and
those will be the destruction of the Image of Christ in the souls of men and the branding of those same souls with his own and Satan's seal. Thus the Antichrist Bergoglio will find modern times much to his
liking. For in our generation a social climate charged with a hatred of God has produced what even the atheist men of culture have sardonically referred to as the "Savage Sixties" and the "Sick Seventies".

For once man rejects God, man becomes what Kierkegaard calls "the eternal zero." This is logical and necessary for, since his awareness of himself is founded on his awareness of God, the godless man, rootless and directionless, is at sea in an absurd world. Of course he has a grievous identity crisis as Bergoglio, the
Antichrist playing pope! And with his animus against God and the sacred, he becomes a menace and a plague to the faith as Bergoglio the Antichrist as well as the holiness of his fellowmen. When one makes light of the sacred, one is well on the way to participating in sacrilege! This is the spirit of the Antichrist who will hate everyone made in the image and likeness of God.

For as sacrilegious man --Bergoglio the Antichrist, will hurl his newfound slogans and fake teachings
against his fellow man from a rhetoric of hatred that takes satanic joy in destroying the dignity, sacredness and divinity with which God has endowed men created and redeemed by his Son through his church.

Much of the new liturgy has been drained of the numinous and the sacred with Vatican II and its protestant liturgy. The new forms are without splendor, flattened, undifferentiated. Why was kneeling replaced by standing? Jesus himself fell on his knees and on his face as he prayed to his heavenly Father. Satan and Bergoglio the Antichrist know the meaning of worship and man's need of it. He
tried to get Jesus to fall down and worship him.

Why has the liturgical year and the Mass been --now devoid the sacred and Tradition through Bergoglio and his cohort of false priests, bishops, and cardinals, been so unfortunately mutilated against the wishes of the faithful? In fact, the faithful are now confused about the need for the sacred, the feasts of the saints, and the holy seasons. Rather, these innovations have emptied churches, driven off converts and opened the doors wide to a flood of renegades of modernism. Even though valid possibly, such a new liturgy cannot inspire, for it is colorless, artificial, banal, without the odor and flavor of sanctity! A humanized and popularized, man-oriented liturgy, now flirting through Antichrist Bergoglio with women ordinations, blessings
of homosexual perversion, and even such an abomination as ordaining such reprobates. Such a humanized and popular, man oriented liturgy will never produce saints. Only a divinized, sacred,
and God-oriented liturgy can accomplish that miracle!

That is why the new liturgy and new modernized Antichrist priesthood of the synodal church sees its clergy as actors and entertainers. They put on a show in order to gain the attention of the congregation. These comedians in chasubles preach a utopian Christianity rather than the true Christianity! There treasure is man rather than God; their emphasis this worldly rather than other-worldly; their goal progress rather than sanctity; their apostolate is immanent rather than transcendent; their means to their goal is the way of
revolution rather than the way of the cross; they preach a secular instead of the Sacred church founded by Christ; the essence of their morality is self-assertion rather than self-denial; the Christ these antichrist priests present to the congregation is the Humanist Christ rather than the God-man crucified Christ; they speak in tongues of protest rather than in tongues of fire; the fire of love flaming forth from the Holy Spirit; they genuflect before the world and stand before Christ; they work for a democratic Church instead of a hierarchic Church; they are moved by resentment and envy instead of radiating the joy of Christ!

In our times then, it is not any longer a secret that the enemies within and outside the Church want to destroy belief in the divinity of Christ. Bergoglio the Antichrist par excellence! Once the liturgy is humanized via suppressing the Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages, Christ the center and Object becomes the humanist in essence, the liberator, the revolutionary, the Marxist ushering in the millennium; he
ceases to be the Divine Redeemer! We must be alerted to these shadows of the Antichrist everywhere who plan, by convincing us to abandon our sacred forms, at length to seduce us into denying the Catholic faith altogether. The Church is attacked by these children of Satan in and outside her fold, because she is a living form, "the sacrament--the sign and instrument --of communion with God and of unity among all men"; because she is the visible body of religion.

Hence these shrewd masters of sedition know that when her sacred forms go, religion will go also. Violate the "lex orandi" and you must inevitably destroy the "lex credendi". That is why they rail as the
rebrobate Bergogio the Antichrist against so many devotions as superstitions; why they propose so many alterations and changes, a tactic cleverly calculated to shake the foundations of the faith. We must never forget, then, that forms apparently indifferent in themselves become most important to us when we are used to using them to nurture our lives in godly holiness!

Places consecrated to God's honor, clergy carefully set apart for His service, the Lord's Day piously observed, the public forms of prayer, the decencies of worship, these things, viewed as a whole, are sacred relatively to the whole body of the faithful and they are divinely sanctioned. Rites sanctified by the Church through ages of holy experience, cannot be disused without harm to souls..... Moreover, in the words of John Cardinal Newman, "Liturgical reformists must ever be aware of the following truth; Even in the least binding of sacred forms, it continually happens that a speculative improvement becomes a practical folly, and the wise are tripped up by their own illusions. Bishops and cardinals would be wise to follow Newman's conclusions in this war by Bergoglio the false pope and Antichrist on the sacred liturgy!

The Fathers of the Church emphasize the corruption of the liturgy that will prevail at the last days. As the end draws near, the Church will be subjected to a fiercer , more diabolical persecution than any previously suffered. There will be a cessation of all religious worship. "THEY SHALL TAKE AWAY THE DAILY SACRIFICE." SOME FATHERS INTERPRET THESE WORDS TO MEAN THAT THE ANTICHRIST WILL SUPPRESS FOR THREE AND A HALF YEARS ALL PUBLIC RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. OTHERS REMIND US THAT THE ANTICHRIST WILL SET UP HIS THRONE WITHIN THE TEMPLE OF GOD AND DEMAND WORSHIP OF HIMSELF FROM HIS DEPRAVED FOLLOWERS.

We are living in times so wicked under Antichrist Bergoglio that many nations will not allow innocent, defenseless human beings natural birth. St Augustine wondered whether in the days of the Antichrist Baptism would be administered to infants of Christian parents. OF ALL THIS ST JOHN CYRIL WRITES; "I FEAR THE WARS OF THE NATIONS; I FEAR DIVISIONS AMONG CHRISTIANS; I FEAR HATRED AMONG BRETHREN. BUT ENOUGH!!! GOD FORBID THAT IT SHOULD BE FULFILLED

Unfortunately, it has happened in our day with the Antichrist Bergoglio and viciously corrupt cardinals and bishops and priests who have allowed him free reign!!! The liturgy is a sign of contradiction among Catholics today; the HOLY MASS that once united Catholics now, with the new liturgy of the corruptest of all Councils of the Catholic Church fiercely divides Catholics. Finally, many Catholics because of the infamous dilution of the sacred in the modernized liturgy of Vatican II and the breezy manner in which many radical, priests celebrate it, cannot attend such liturgies; they find it morally impossible to offer Almighty God such desacralized antics by the liturgical insurrectionists!!!!!!!

( The preceding commentary by the wonderful scholarly Priest Fr. Vincent Micelli in the 1970's)

May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace! And may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men, now and forever!!! Amen.

J. Hughes Dunphy