“The Judas Factor, Pope Francis, and “Amoris Laetitia”


 “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”  (Luke 22: 47-48)   How we live in such perilous times, these modern times, when so many souls are on the brink of hell, fire, and damnation and are totally indifferent because of  false loves,  false charity, or the lovism of the day, which is the coalescence of all artificial loves and feelings.  The false charity of Judas Iscariot and his false loves of the world have ravaged again the Body of Christ:  today’s modern Catholic Church, as well as Christianity in general.   Especially is this true with Pope Francis’ recent two synods on the family and his papal exhortation entitled “Amoris Laetitia”. 
     This age and these times have worshiped at the altar of money, pride, pleasure, and self-power, precisely where Judas Iscariot went astray in his betrayal of Jesus Christ, and Our Savior;  therefore, Judas had to live with a feigned loved of Christ, a false charity which culminated in his betrayal and his false kiss of Jesus Christ in spite of his fallacious claim to discipleship all the same.   This is Francis, this is his pontificate, this is his synodal disaster with the bishops of the Catholic Church, and “Amoris  Laetitia”.  Truly, Satan’s gospel of prosperity and feel-good religion  has mortally infected the hearts and souls of Christians and Catholics everywhere today.  In truth, claiming to love Christ as a disciple but really not is the result of false loves, a sinful heart, and the spread of false charity.   It is this false charity of the modern world:  an outgrowth of liberal Protestantism and feel-good Christianity, that has so wantonly betrayed Christ’s love, a false love, which has likewise been embraced heartily by modern day Catholic theology and Christian charity, especially since Vatican II and now with Pope Francis’ document “Amoris  Laetitia” and the entire synodal  process of all the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church.
        This false charity of Judas Priest is epitomized by the unorthodox and unfaithful  pope Francis.   Especially is this evident with the biblical story of how Judas complained to Christ  and the other apostles how Mary Magdalen anointed Christ just before His death with the expensive bottle of precious nard.   Judas declared forthrightly that the precious nard should have been sold and the money therefrom ought to be given to the poor.   However, Christ greatly defended Mary’s deep reverence and filial love for Christ’s precious Body saying:  “Leave her alone, for the poor you shall always have with you.”   Nevertheless, this is Francis, this is His so-called pontificate and this is the cardinals and bishops of the Catholic Church today throughout the world!  How so?
      Observe how deep the reverence has always remained through the centuries for the most Holy Eucharist and Christ’s Real Presence!   However, to diminish its utter holiness and sacredness or allow this,  is nothing less than overt sacrilege.   Today, in the Catholic Church Pope Francis, the Judas Priest of the biblical past revisited, promulgated officially from the Chair of Peter along with the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church that there is nothing wrong now with divorced and remarried x-catholics receiving the most holy Eucharist, only after a brief Confessional rendezvous with the local parish priest who will allow this horrendous sacrilege on an individual basis in spite of this being a gross sacrilege for 2000 years now up to Francis.   With all past teaching of previous popes  of the perennial magisterium, no divorced catholic who was remarried could ever partake of the Holy Eucharist in light of St. Paul’s poignant reminder:  “to eat the Flesh of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ unworthily means you eat and drink your own damnation.   In fact, no divorced and remarried catholic  who would not give up their grievous sin of adultery could ever be allowed to legitimately receive the most Holy Eucharist before Francis.    
     This is the sacrilege of Francis, open to the Judas Priest Factor along with all the cardinals and bishops who, like Judas Priest,  were quite  happy to diminish the sacred reverence due Almighty God in the Eucharist for money and worldly gain.    Again this is Francis who is happy to propagate this sacrilege, that denies the holy reverence due Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist for money, or for worldly gain.   How nefarious for the Bishops , priests and Cardinals to compromise with the true charity due Almighty God in the Eucharist and how sacrilegious for such intimates of Our Lord to be so perverse.  And this , perhaps, to fill the coffers of their parishes with a few more dollars, from countenancing  this horrendous sacrilege from apostate catholics, in reality.
      Now priests who engage in this sacrilegious travesty become nothing more than ecclesiastical functionaries  and not “victims” like Jesus Christ who yearned to be as much “victim” for Almighty God  as He was  to be his loyal priest.   Not so, anymore!    Few today  in Christ’s priesthood are sacrificial “victims” for Christ by helping the sheep in their flock from committing such a horrible sin of sacrilege,  but instead they look past the adultery of xcatholics being a grievous sin.   Yet to be priest and victim as Jesus Christ was, demands  that they evangelize all such wandering sheep in adultery to completely repent of the
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adultery and leave their infamous mate!    Here are Bishop Fulton Sheen’s prophetic words on this:
              “Eventually I came to see that the Lord was teaching me not only to be a priest, but also to be a victim.   This explains why two of the books which I authored are on this very subject.   I can remember when, after four months in the hospital, I began to recover;  I was reading Mass on an altar constructed over the bed before a few priests and friends.   I spontaneously gave a sermon, which I remember so well.  I said that I was glad that I had open-heart surgery because when the Lord comes to take us all, He will look to see if we have any marks of the Cross upon ourselves.  He will look at our hands to see if they are crucified from sacrificial giving;  He will look at our feet to see if they have been thorn-bruised and nail-pierced searching for lost sheep;  He will look at our heart to see if that has been opened to receive His Divine Heart.   Oh what joy is mine just to have endured the minuscule Maybe He will recognize me from that scar and receive me into His Kingdom.” With such irritation of His suffering on the Cross by having a wounded side.  
       Remember, no legitimate orthodox pope of the Catholic Church before Francis  would have ever taught such sacrilege or diminishment of reverence to the Holy Presence of Christ as Judas Priest did but all popes up to Frances have defended, and taught authoritatively on the sacredness of Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist, up to and including Pope Benedict XVI and St. John Paul II.   They all have believed so strongly, the popes of the centuries, who were most holy and exemplary as Mary Magdalen in showing through teaching, demeanor, liturgy, and papal gravitas this holy, holy  reverence!
        Furthermore those cardinals and bishops and priests of the Catholic Church who fail to distinguish these  crucial differences viz. that receiving the Holy Eucharist in living adultery is mortal sin and sacrilege, as Francis has promulgated, go along in his silent apostasy (read below).  
        God save  us!   Francis must be chastised  by the appropriate authorities of the upper hierarchy for this heretical sacrilege and anathematized for this false teaching.   Gerald Cardinal Muller as well as all cardinals who have the appropriate authority should immediately step forward to condemn this heresy and apostasy before innumerable souls are lost.  
     This false charity that is upon us all in these latter days should be no surprise to biblically aware Catholics who have contemplated often on these prophetic words of Christ:  “And in the end  many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many.   And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold.”  (Mt 24: 12)  Thus, we can observe from this that it is the lethal false perception of what is Christ’s teachings that has led precipitously to this false kiss of Judas priest and his false charity.   For example, to now declare from the papacy of Francis that living together in overt adultery is no long
er mortal sin and now worthy of the most Holy Eucharist in this papal exhortation is spiritual madness!    
       Lest we love in our hearts Christ’s totality of truth, we flounder in Satan’s ugly embrace, loving the false loves of this world and their seemingly endless rationalizations  i.e. adultery is love.   For did not St. John the Evangelist say:  “He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words.”  (Jn. 14: 24)  You do not love unless you love the whole truth.”  We must also realize that this doctrine of false charity is all pervasive, seeping with its poisonous venom into virtually every part of theological discipline:   scriptural, moral, systematic, dogmatic, liturgical, spiritual, and even ecumenical theologies.   Accompanying the false charity is the wickedness of the day in such a flood of malice:   homosexuality, abortion, contraception, adultery, fornication, euthanasia, and stem-cell research---  to name but a few.   One would have to be blind to deny the profundity of wickedness that abounds in these times.  
       What is the nature of this false charity?   It is, in truth, not  charity at all or love of God, or love of one’s fellow man in the least, but a dastardly, diabolical cover-up like Judas’ false kiss of Jesus Christ that purports to be love but, in reality, has nothing whatsoever to do with love.   In fact, it is the master of deceit in all of its subtleties, purporting to be one thing, yet being something else altogether.   This false charity of the modern world is so devious and full of satanical deception that it deserved Our Lord Jesus Christ’s most powerful condemnation.    After Judas betrayed Jesus, the Son of God, with the false kiss of false charity, Jesus uttered with authoritative finality  these words : 
“It were better that thou were not born than to betray the Son of God with a kiss.”   There is no stronger condemnation in all of sacred scripture by Christ than these portentous words;  for Our Dear Lord wished to warn all mankind of the sheer wickedness and folly of false charity above all other sins.   This false charity is a lie perpetual by the father of lies himself, Satan; and it is engulfing souls by uncountable numbers in the Catholic Church today who have been taught to pervert Chris’s infinite charity into a false satanical love by as much as what is not faithfully taught as by what is cunningly unfaithfully taught.   This again is Pope Francis and his deceitfuly manipulated  document “Amoris Laetitia” and the entire synodal process with all the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church by devastating the perennial magisterium of 2000 years and the “indissolubility of Holy Matrimony”.   Such satanical duplicity, claiming to love those living in adultery with a false “mercy”  THAT DOES NOT REMIND THEM OF THEIR SERIOUS SIN and that they must fully repent , is only possible in the lukewarm world of spiritual indifference, moral relativity, and a careless affectation founded upon self-aggrandizement.   This is nothing less than a demonic love, consuming sinners into an abyss of cold, lukewarm indifference, a so-called middle ground world created by Satan and called by the world today “tolerance”.    Today, this pandemic redefining of ‘love’ from Christ’s own sacrificial love of total self-giving to a feel-good religion of  “I’m OK and you’re OK” has reeked havoc upon Christian charity.  
Can  love be authentically fou
nd in any human heart that tolerates evil in its varying degrees?   Christ would say ‘no’ but Satan ‘yes’. 
        This erroneous nomenclature of satanical vocabulary, such as the word “tolerance” that is used to rename an evil, cold, lukewarm moral indifference as the very love of Christ itself is the evil’s shrewdest form of false charity in its very essence, for it seems to be love but in reality is not.   A typical example of this is the perverted “mercy” of Francis to give the Holy Eucharist to the divorced and remarried or as virtually all governments of the world allow abortion under the concept of another false charity called “choice”.   Overwhelmingly, this diabolical deceit is at work everywhere in Catholic pulpits in the last thirty years which promotes an ambiguous redefinition of love as implying all religions love God equally;   love your neighbor means to forgive the unrepentant  sinner of everything and never reprove him for anything;  and love of God means only His mercy and none of His Justice as in “God loves you even when you are sinning and doing wrong.  i.e. the ambiguous : ‘ love the sinner but not the sin. ‘  ”
      A concerted effort is made to avoid Christ’s supreme definition of love;  “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments  or you will do My Father’s Will and avoid all sin.”   Commonly, we can detect a ‘lovism’ sermon today by a total avoidance and antipathy for the following subjects:  death, judgement, heaven, hell—the four last things—and sin in all of its definitions and manifestations;   however, all the great Catholic mystics and spiritual writers through the centuries have advanced these salient teachings--- Catherine of Sienna, John of the Cross, John Chrysostom,  Augustine,  Aquinas,  Louis de Monfort.   ‘Lovism’ sermons are syrupy, sappy, theologically impotent, and heretical;   for they basically advance the doctrine of feel-good Christianity that tolerates all kinds of evils:  no one sins, no one is going to hell, no one needs to convert anymore---we are all equal in what today has become theological egalitarianism at its worst.     Simply love and tolerate your neighbor in all he or she says or does as Francis does  in cozeying up to Castro, the avowed Italian atheist  Eugenio  Scalfari, or his allowing known homosexuals in the priesthood at the Vatican  to receive his personal public affections as well as noted protestant ministers in the  public press with whom he meets.   
      This is neither Christian, nor Catholic, nor Christ-like theology;  for one can easily see that Jesus Christ was, indeed, the supreme moralist of all time who was constantly explicating sin in all of its intricacies throughout His human sojourn.  In fact, almost ninety percent of the great Sermon on the Mount is replete with prohibitions:  do not  be angry;  you shall not kill;  do not worry;  do not commit adultery;  do not divorce or remarry;  do not  swear  etc.,  if you wish to be saved and live with Christ, your Lord and God, for all eternity in heaven.   How many priests today really and truly preach Jesus Christ and are not ‘Judas Priests’?     As a statement against all the satanical implications of the word ‘love’  throughout the centuries, Catholicism has employed a most special nomenclature for ‘love’ in order to avoid the sea of ambiguities, misconceptions, distortions and false teachings which this most special concept of Christ-like love has so often, unfortunately, attracted.   These master craftsmen of this satanical deceit today are known as facilitators of a new-age consensus, who are the grand manipulators of theological mind control and Catholic consensus-building on all subjects, including most notoriously, this new theology of ‘lovism’.   Moreover, in virtually any foreign language, this hideous ambiguity exists for the word love except with Latin, which has for centuries been able to nourish and keep secure the Church’s magisterial theology of tradition intact.
           Latin is
an ancient language of precision which does not yield opportunities to massage its vocabulary and language with ambiguous meanings because it is classified as a dead language and will not change.   It is a well known fact of late how translators manipulate the Latin into all kinds of unseemly deceits to spin the meaning of a translation since Vatican II.   For example, in English one can use ‘love’ to mean many different things:   one can ‘love’ God,  ‘love’ his neighbor as himself,  ‘love’ his cat under the bed,  ‘love’ sex,  drinking,  food, clothes, cars  etc.   In  short, the term ‘love’ in English has become so intensely bloated semantically that it is now virtually meaningless;  however, ecclesiastical Latin has one wofeeling and nothing else.  As the Roman poet Vergil has said so succinctly regarding passionate love:  “Amor omnia vincit.”  How precise the meaning of the Latin language in making proper semantic differentiations of words where necessary’, for example, correct Latin used  only for the sacrificial love of Christ,  ‘ caritas’ ,  while the Latin word  ‘amor’,  was a worldly term for love in common parlance so much akin to our modern word for ‘love’, indicating a passionate feeling and nothing else.   As the Roman poet Vergil has said so succinctly regarding passionate love:  “Amor omnia vincit.” (“Love overcomes everything.&rdquoWinking  How precise the meaning of the Latin language in making proper semantic differentiation where necessary.  
      Therefore, the Latin caritas  was translated into English only as its most obvious English derivative ‘charity’ for so long until Vatican II, and so theologians, preachers, and catechists were careful to use ‘charity’ and not ‘love’ when they were speaking of Christian love in Latin, being aware of the significant difference in meaning with these two Latin words.  It is this  ‘lovism’ which is the new-fangled liberal theology of love that one hears so often bandied about from pulpits today in Catholic Churches—what simply promotes  Satan’s false charity.   It is clear now how ‘charity’ is the word Catholicism has employed throughout the centuries in English to express this unique, supernatural love of God for mankind,   of Christian men for their neighbors,  of Christ for His Father,  of Christ’s love for us on the Cross.   Finally, it is so evident how today’s Catholic pulpits are awash in a sea of lovism, which is another clandestine tool of satanical intrigue from the Great Imitator himself.
        And now the unthinkable has occurred with Pope  Francis, ignoring from the throne of Peter, the utter significance of this great difference of meaning in choosing the Latin word “amoris” to entitle the very document itself of the papal  exhortation on two synods on the family, along with all  the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church!   And this was done  with all the derogatory and negative meanings and implications that  ‘amoris’  has in comparison to ‘caritatis’.   How unspeakable and how demonic for the hierarchy of the Church to ignore this and all that it implies in this important document from the Vatican!            
      All of this points to why Catholicism for centuries, even in the English language, has religiously avoided the common word ‘love’ to express Christ’s sacrificial divine love of mankind, but instead has only used ‘charity’ or its appropriate equivalent in modern languages.  Can we doubt that Judas was full of himself and emboldened about his reasons why he should betray Christ, reasons that Jesus had so vehemently and so often attacked  throughout His teaching mission vis-à-vis the Pharisees, the Jewish philosophers of tolerance and false love during Christ’ sojourn on earth.  They even pressed Christ to redefine love to mean “adultery” , only because Moses allowed it.   This Jesus Christ did not tolerate, defending the indissolubility of marriage most impeccably!    This shocking clash of love of this world versus the love of Christ has surfaced with an intense fury unprecedented in the modern Catholic Church as never before.  
      It is a supreme act of moral depravity to teach that Christ’s definition of love does not include  the avoidance of all sin  i.e. that divorced and remarried Catholics can now receive the most Holy Eucharist by simply meeting with a confessor and yet not repenting completely of this scandalous and grievous sin but going on in this seriously sinful state and yet being acceptable by any priest for the Holy Eucharist.   This is scandalous blasphemy of the Sacred Species of Our Lord Jesus Christ!   Beneath all manifestations of this false charity is this basic denial to correct –out of true Christian charity—the morally depraved, the spiritually indifferent, and the religiously unattached;   thus underwriting Satan’s false charity and his world of moral tolerance.  
        It is, in effect, Satan’s consummate betrayal of Christ with the false kiss of false charity.   It appears to be charity, but it is not;  it seems to be virtuous, but it is malicious.   For a pope, such as Francis, to make light of Catholic doctrine in this Exhortation of the Two Synods “Amoris Laetitia” becomes an uncompromising and unprincipled attitude of moral indifference which is as spiritually deleterious as the carping attitude of  a self-righteous Pharisee, covertly awash in satanic  pride of moral liberation.   Tis absolutely imperative that one understands these two perversions of false charity, if we wish to live in Christ-like charity.   So many, many souls are deceived by Satan’s version of false charity, a deadly theological look-alike, which argues love would never condemn anyone to hell for sinfulness: adultery,   contraception, divorce, homosexuality etc.   These are the nefarious attitudes of ‘false charity’ that Satan inevitably sows in minds and hearts of his unwary followers—agreeing in their hearts to go along, to get along, in order to receive the false loves and adulation of this world.  
       “Judas, would you betray the Son of Man with a kiss? “    How much these foreboding words of Jesus Christ as a dramatic admonishment against the error of false charity,  especially for us moderns who are warned in advance by Christ that this spiritual malady would be all pervasive in these latter days.   This was a duplicitous, cunning appearance of love of Christ by Judas;  but, in reality, a vicious wicked pretension of love that hid beneath the surface the filth of sin and the corrupting death of the human soul.   “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!  For you are like whitewashed tombs which outwardly appear beautiful, but within they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”  (Mt 23:27)  It is this duplicitous travesty of the Judas kiss and its utter semblance of love that so bespeaks the modernist manifestations of love of Christ in the Catholic Church today and the holy priesthood.   It is good to consider Fulton J. Sheen’s prophetic words of the future Catholic Church back in 1948 when he was a young priest:     “The Third temptation in which Satan asked will become the temptation to have a new religion without a Cross, a liturgy without a world to come, a religion to destroy a religion, or a politics which is a religion—one that renders unto Caesar even the things   that are God’s.
In the midst of all his seeming love for humanity and his glib talk of freedom and equality, he will have one great secret which he will tell to no one:  he will not believe in God.   Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, HE WILL DECEIVE EVEN THE ELECT.  He will set up a COUNTERCHURCH which will be the APE OF THE CHURCH, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God.   It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church,  but in reverse and emptied of its DIVINE CONTENT.   It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ…”    (Fulton J. Sheen, Communism and the conscience of the West  (Bobbs-Merril Company, Indianapolis, 1948 ) pp. 24,25
      At no time in the history of Holy Mother Church have we witnessed such a realization of this travesty than in the false love of the most Holy Face of Christ, our Lord and God, in the desacralization of His Real Presence through  the Papal Exhortation of  Francis and the two            Synods of cardinals and bishops on the family,  which allows divorced and remarried Catholics  now to receive the most Holy Eucharist!  This, more than anything else, is a deceitful love of Satan and not a true belief in the love of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist.   This is nothing less than the false kiss of a false love and scandalous heresy and apostasy as well!
                            God save us,
                    J.   Hughes   Dunphy
    “May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before
The Light of the Word and the Spirit of grace, and may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men. Amen.”
He drew near to Jesus to kiss Him:  but Jesus said to him: