March 2017
“Francis, the Antichrist, and His Times”
02/03/17 16:23 Filed in: Antichrist francis pope catholic church | Antichrist | CATHOLIC | heretical pope | vincent miceli | last days | end times
If there is one eternal truth of the orthodox Catholic Faith, it is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior! And this eternal truth is pronounced every Sunday at Mass in the Creed, “He will come again to judge the living and the dead.” Any fervent Catholic is very aware of this truth as well as the fact that we must all be prepared and vigilant of when this Second Coming of Christ will occur, in order to be prepared to save our souls. And coupled to this truth is the veritable proximity of our own Judgment and our necessary preparation for that. Father John A. Hardon, S.J. amplified this truth to his students, the nearness of death and judgment in these words: “Death than which nothing is more certain, judgment than which nothing is more strict, hell than which nothing is more horrible, and heaven than which nothing is more wonderful.” In these perilous times in which we live that have all the earmarks of the endtimes , we must be doubly prepared for the Parousia or Second Coming of Christ in the Judgment of the whole human race as well as being prepared for our own personal judgements. Above all today, with the papacy of the most unorthodox pope in modern times and likely all times, we must especially be cognizant with Francis and the deconstruction of the Catholic Church under his tutelage and so-called papacy.
Most frightening of all with Francis is his stark resemblance in every way to the Antichrist! Make no mistake about what the chief task of the Antichrist will be about but the deconstruction and vicious, most perilous, attack on the Catholic Church in every possible way to destroy it, and most of all the holy souls left in its embrace. Yes, the Mystical Body of Christ is the arch enemy of the Antichrist and seemingly, in every way, with Francis and his partners in infidelity and schism in the upper hierarchy of the Church. That said, let us return posthaste to the brilliant study of Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J. and his masterpiece on the endtimes, “The Antichrist”. Here is what Fr. Miceli said of the identity of the Antichrist:
“In a stunningly evil way, he (the Antichrist) will knit together his totalitarian rule of heresy, sedition, revolution, schism, war---indeed of every evil movement—and hurl them effectively against the Church. Preceded by apostasy, conceived in apostasy, gestated in apostasy, born in apostasy and raised up to manhood in apostasy, the Man of Sin will come to total power through a general, universal apostasy. In other words, the Antichrist could never have existed except for the decision of the majority of persons in the East and West to apostasize from God and join the forces of atheism.”
We continue with the scholarly and holy priest, Fr. Miceli : (but remember he wrote this book the “Antichrist” in the 1970’s.) “Am I foolishly playing the prophet of gloom and doom” he says. “ in saying that we are entering the Age of Apostasy?
Are there no evidences to convince us that some such apostasy is being formed, gathering forces, gaining ground on us every day? It must be admitted that in the West the conflict between the children of the New Humanism and the faithful is escalating in ferociousness. The spirit ruling in the great cities is avaricious, luxurious, self-dependent, irreligious, ungodly, falsely liberal and sacrilegious. In fact a specific madness of modern society is its assault on the sacred. “
Fr. Miceli continues: “At first the Catholic Church seemed impregnable to the assaults of the forces of hell. To outsiders she looked impressive,coherent, immense; they admired her clarity of doctrine, her sure guidance in morals, her firm authority, her unified counterattack against spreading religious skepticism, savage totalitarianism and perverse hedonism. She was seen as the last and strongest bastion against the advance of organized, militant, atheistic barbarism. Moreover, a steady in-gathering of converts buttressed her fight against the forces of desacralization. Then the tower of truth and holiness began to topple from an earthquake within. Apparently there had been a hidden fault, a serious weakness down deep in the members of the Catholic Church. This weakness was found, it seemed, in the Church’s leaders and especially among its prestigious intellectuals.
It took the Council called Vatican II, the council which, in the words of Pope John XXIII, was summoned to Rome : “To bring the modern world into contact with the vivifying and perennial energies of the Gospel!” This council, in Fr. Miceli’s words “opened the gates of the Church into contact with the stultifying and deadly energies of neo-modernism. This has many Catholics into confessing cravenly and obsessively nothing but Catholic depravities, as if the Church, instead of being the MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST, WHICH HAD BEEN ALL ALONG, but was instead, THE SACRILEGIOUS BODY OF THE ANTICHRIST.”
And according to Fr. Vincent Miceli these “new church Catholics” started as the “fatal sickness” which reduced the number of conversions to the Faith significantly while “increasing enormously the desertions of Catholic priests, religious and laity to the world of unbelief.” If you remember the 1960’s, 70’s literally hundreds of thousands of priests and nuns left their former callings to go to the world.
This has caused in Fr. Miceli’s words: “serious divisions among Catholics on essential matters Gospels, the Real Presence, the Divinity of Christ, infallibility, the Resurrection, the nature of the Church and its salvational ministry and many, many others too numerous to mention---all of these HAVE DIVIDED AND MUTILATED THE FLOCK OF CHRIST.”
To Fr. Miceli these “new church Catholics” are the early on heretics and rebels against God and His Church, bearing the mark of the Antichrist.”
And this Council of the neo-modernists in the Church at Vatican Council II and their attacks on Church Tradition are apparently what Francis, the most unorthodox pope of all times, is using as his ammunition against the Mystical Body of Christ today. Specifically, where has Francis seemingly gone for his Antichrist attack on the Church but to the infamous Call to Action Conference in Detroit , just after the Vatican Council in Rome. Here Fr. Miceli says in his book, “The Antichrist”,exactly what was planned for Holy Mother the Church at this pernicious conference. “The following are some of the conference in Detroit’s mad demands which the Catholic Church simply cannot grant without ceasing immediately to be the true Church of Christ. If she granted them she would become a Church of the world, of the Antichrist, a snakepit for demons. She would become a center for doctrinal, moral chaotic disorder and psychroneurotic distress. “ says Fr. Vincent Miceli.
These new church modernists and Catholic Dissidents demanded the following according to Fr. Vincent Miceli:
1) “Divorced, remarried couples to receive Holy Communion while still living in adulterous unions; 2)ordained women priests and bishops; 3) women given the power to preach the Gospel with authority; 4) a reversal on the doctrine of artificial birth control; 5) a mitigation on the doctrine of abortion; 6) a teaching approving Marxism, Socialism and pacificism as doctrinally true and morally good practice; 7) a denial of the right to property and to reasonable profit; 8) the creation of a new Church, democratic, non-hierarchical in structure, a classless Church.”
Let us not error into believing the Antichrist will come in a pestilence of heresies, says Fr. Vincent Miceli, with preternatural heroics and wars. No, he will be subtle, cunning, and clandestine as the Devil Himself in the same way the devil attacks with temptation and cunning to encourage someone to sin. Especially, Fr. Miceli says this progressivist mentality of the Vatican II and the infamous “Call to Action” conference in Detroit in the 1970’s are what can lay the way for the Antichrist.
It seems plausible to suspect Francis who is a consummate liberal theologian and politician, notably so because he is a Jesuit, to be the Antichrist. For what will be the main task of the Antichrist but to attack the Mystical Body of Christ where the last souls who are just in this world reside, not in the world or other religions for he already has captured their souls. And what disguise is the most cunning and formidable but the office of the papacy itself, the pope himself as the Antichrist. Nor can we forget here to remember the prophecy of the holy Mother of God at Lasallete in the 1850’s, for Mary prophesized that “In the end Rome will lose the faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist.” Voila! We now have Francis, seemingly the perfect fulfillment of the persona of the Antichrist who is intent upon committing sacrilege and heresy, and being the most unorthodox and Roman Catholic of popes, quite avid to not teach, preach, and defend doctrine and the sacred deposit of faith, but to be its Grand Inquisitor.
And observe, says Fr. Vincent Miceli in his book the “Antichrist”, “how progressivist Christians will join the intellectual scoffers who disregard as foolhardiness the idea of an Antichrist. “ It was thus in the days of Noah who was laughed to scorn as he built his ark of salvation. It was thus in the days of Abraham as he pleaded fruitlessly with Sodom and Gomorrah. It was thus in the days of Christ as He wept over the city of Jerusalem. All these skeptics were wiped out violently for their incredulity. It will be thus at the end of time. For the wicked are too proud to accept and understand the ways of God.
In those last perilous days men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false-accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those who are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God, scoffers walking after their own lusts and jeering: Where is the promise of His Second Coming? Men will be despisers of government, presumptuous, self-willed, calumniators of civil and religious authorities, promising everyone liberty while subjecting themselves and their fellowmen to the corruption of runaway licentiousness. “ (2 Tim:3,1-5 )
Fr. Vicent Miceli continues in his book “The Antichrist”: “Will I find faith when I come?” asked Christ concerning those last days. Apparently He doubted He would. St. Pius X at the beatification of Joan of arc, December 13, 1908 had his doubts too. He said on that happy occasion: “In our time more than ever before the greatest asset of the evilly disposed is the cowardice and weakness of good men, and all the vigor of Satan’s reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics. Oh! If I might ask the divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: ‘What are those wounds in the midst of Your hands?’ the answer would not be doubtful. ‘With these I was wounded in the house of those who loved Me. I was wounded by My friends who did nothing to defend Me and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries.’ And this reproach can be leveled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries.”
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S. J. mentions the fifth angel in the Apocalypse who is sounding his trumpet, and in the Apocalypse, Chapter 9, we read: “And I saw a star which had fallen from heaven to the earth, and there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit, and there went up from the pit a smoke like that of a great furnace, the sun was then darkened, and the air because of the smoke of the pit. And out of the smoke locusts went forth upon the earth and they were told---to harm only such men as have not the seal of God upon their forehead.”
“Now in prophetic symbolism falling stars almost always refer to tepid, weak, wicked or apostate Catholics---bishops, priests, religious, laity. For it is her own children who are the harbingers of grief and disaster for the Church. The key to the shaft of the abyss is an emblem of their apostasy. These traitorous Catholics ally themselves with rebellious angels.” continues Fr. Miceli. “These traitorous Catholics ally themselves with the rebellious angels. Instead of using the keys of the kingdom of God, which they have received through Baptism and other sacraments, to suppress and defeat Satanic forces while advancing the holiness of their confreres, they rather misuse the graces of the Faith to foster and propagate error and evil, to open the abyss and let loose upon the earth the plagues of darkness and wickedness. Today”, says Fr. Miceli. “too many fallen stars are misusing the graces of the True Faith to seduce, enslave and precipitate into damnation vast numbers. “
And Father Miceli continues: “the answer to stars falling from heaven onto the earth, through the pristine betrayal of Lucifer, is stars that stand fixed in the heaven of fidelity to God with the courage and fortitude of the Archangel Michael. The remedy for the tepid is the zealous, for the weak the strong, for the timid the brave, for the wicked the holy, for the apostate the apostle. The Church is sorely in need of Catholics who are men and women of God imbued with the virtue of fortitude, of Catholics who are “valiant in battle.”
Fortitude is that virtue which enduringly resists difficulties of mind and body while persistently seeking, defending and spreading the truth and holiness of the Gospel.” This we do not see in the upperhierarchy, save someone like Cardinal Burke, Brandmuller, Caffarra, and Meisner who are fighting with extreme fortitude against Francis’ fiasco in Amoris Laetitia!
Then Fr. Vincent Miceli continues: “St. Thomas reminds us that fortitude is especially concerned with overcoming the fear of performing difficult deeds for the glory of God. And Fr. Miceli goes on to finish: “The great fault of the pusillanimous is that they succumb easily to irrational fears and leave the field of battle to enemy forces. This moral deformity reveals a lack of faith in the cause of Christ and a distrust of the assurance He gave his followers when He said to His Apostles: “Have confidence, I have overcome the world.” “The defect of irrational fear weakens virtue and renders Christians cowards.”
“But fortitude is not merely a passive virtue, a patient suffering of assaults of the enemy. Again St. Thomas states that “it is not outside the genus of fortitude to go on the offensive for the sovereign good of man and the glory of God.” Thus St. Joan of Arc, a mere girl of nineteen unprepared by nature or training to do battle against hardened veteran soldiers, nevertheless, fearlessly followed the will of God and drove foreign infidels out of Catholic France.
And Fr. Vincent Miceli ends his great essay of extraordinary fortitude in defending the Catholic faith by saying the following: “We Christians must be the eager heralds of Christ when He comes for the second time. For despite the General Apostasy that will be prevalent at that time---for the strong Faith of the Church is what has restrained the coming of the Antichrist so far—the Lord will be welcomed in His Final Coming in power by the remnant of His faithful followers. These will rejoice exceedingly with Him, knowing that this Parousia will put an end forever to the wickedness of Satan and the Antichrist, to the despicable détente of sin, and will gather in His elect to establish eternally that
Entente cordiale, that loving communion with God, known as the Beatific Vision.
May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before
The light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace, and may the Heart of
Jesus live in the hearts of men, now and forever . Amen.
To be continued: J. Hughes Dunphy