The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of Lent is probably the holiest season of the liturgical year. Lost Lents are bad things for one’s soul. The secular spirit of the day or the infidel spirit mocks everything that is holy, without expressing outward infidelities, which has become a kind of unprofessed belief of sinners. This secular spirit, so sacred to many, gives no consideration of sacred seasons and sacred ceremonies, consequently, we should cherish these times of the liturgical year all the more.

It is an essential part of the Catholic faith, this season of Lent and all of its ceremonies, especially that of receiving ashes which becomes an outward sign to the world of one’s Catholic character. This Catholic character can be seen in those who have worldly or secular positions in society but yet are not afraid to exhibit their Catholic character i.e.
Thomas More while he was Chancellor of the English realm. Thomas More was loyal to his sovereign the King, nevertheless openly put God first on all occasions his sterling character was challenged: for example, his conscientious fulfillment of all the duties of his state of life, no matter how large or how small and insignificant.

The Christian character consists in: 1. Fidelity to one’s duty– giving all one’s due, be it to God, our fellow man, or ourselves. 2,. Freedom from human respect– readiness to practice one’s