s we enter the third millennium,  the words of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior to Judas Iscariot have greater forcefulness and power in history than ever before: “Judas dost thou betray the son of Man with a kiss?”  
Why these condemning words of Jesus to Judas Iscariot are so portentous,  regarding our own times,  is because these are the days of betrayal, of false charity, of a pretended love of Christ provoked by Satan himself, the great imitator of Christ-like charity and the flatterer par excellence.  These times, indeed, are particularly times of betrayal for the Church:   dissenting theologians, cafeteria-select-your-own-brand-of-Catholicism, and apostates from the top of the hierarchical ladder in Rome to the bottom, the very pews in one’s local parish.   All of this is packaged under the guise of ‘a more charitable Catholicism’  for those who preach a more loving gospel, a more loving liturgy, and a more loving theology and who, in truth, are Satan’s henchmen.   

False charity is the false love of God epitomized by Judas’s false kiss, full of duplicitous deceit and suggesting virtue,  but, in truth, being consummate vice.
To simulate the love of Christ with a diabolical boldness and to deny Him at one and the same time, just as Judas did, who was one of the most sinister and malevolent characters in all of human history  is nothing less than a total betrayal of Jesus Christ’s goodness and love which leads, therefore, so many, many souls today down the wide road that leads to a hell of destruction in this world and death in the hereafter.     
This false philosophy of Judas’ love has embraced the hearts of modern day Christians i.e. Protestants and liberal Catholics everywhere in remarkable numbers:  the pretense of a loving affection for Christ that hides within the human heart  a diabolical attachment to the things of this world.   Was this not the very nature Read More...