Pope Francis, the Anti-Christ and the Vatican II Popes
17/10/20 16:06
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves”
The holiest of words by Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God and the Divine Word!!!” This is the modus operandi of the Antichrist and of all false prophets, viz. Francis. Just what does the orthodox Roman Catholic think of Francis’ latest covert diabolical teaching entitled “Fratelli Tuti” in which he teaches authoritatively from the throne of Peter a most fallacious masonic brotherhood , that all political and religious leaders should promote and encourage. This is pure and simple Antichrist rhetoric when there is only one spiritual brotherhood of souls within the Catholic Church: “Outside the Church there is no Salvation!”, which is a perennial doctrine of the Catholic Church for 2000 years where Mary, Christ’s Mother, prays for the salvation of all souls if you invoke her!!! Moreover Francis the Antichrist Pope condemns as mere “foolishness” the concept calling Mary “the Co-Redemptrix”!!!
Mary indeed is the Mother of all the Saved and the Co-Redemptrix, as a refernce to her words in Ecclesiasticus 24,25 tell all: “I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.”
St. Ephrem goes so far as to say, “that the name of Mary is the key of the gates of heaven,” in the hands of those who devoutly invoke it. And so it is not without reason that St. Bonaventure says: “ that Mary is the salvation of all who call upon her: for he addresses her, saying: “O salvation of all who invoke thee!” meaning, that to obtain eternal salvation and invoke her name are synonymous; and Richard of St. Lawrence affirms, “That the devout invocation of this sweet and holy name leads to the acquisition of superabundant graces in this life, and a very high degree of glory in the next.”
“If then, O brethren, “concludes Thomas a’ Kempis, “you desire consolation in every labor, have recourse to Mary; invoke the name of Mary, honor Mary, recommend yourselves to Mary, in totality, desire to live and die with Jesus and Mary. By acting thus you will always advance in the ways of God for Mary will most willingly pray for you, and her Divine Son will most certainly grant all that his Mother asks.”
Thus, we see that the most holy name of Mary is sweet indeed to her clients during life, on account of the graces that she obtains for them. But sweeter still will it be to them in death, on account of the tranquil and holy end that it will insure them.
“Blessed is the ,man who loves thy name, O Mary,” exclaims St. Bonaventure, “ Yes , truly blessed is he who loves thy sweet name, O Mother of God!!! For, he continues, “ thy name is so glorious and admirable, that no one who remembers it has any fears at the hour of death.” Such is its power, that none of those who invoke it at the hour of death fear the assaults of their enemies. All this immediately preceding from “the Glories of Mary” by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Now let us comprehend the importance of Mary as the archenemy of the Antichrist and why she is surely the Co-Redemptrix with Jesus Christ, her Son.
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J. from his awesome book on the “Antichrist” amplifies this:
“The history of salvation closes with Mary as Mother with Child even as it began with Mary as Mother with Child. The circle of salvation history will close with Christ and His Mother as it opened with the Mother of God and her Son. The Woman, the Mother of God, and Christ and His Church, which is the camp of the saints, have all been foreseen and rightly considered from the beginning of time, the great and fearsome adversaries of the Serpent-Dragon, his mini-antichrists and his supreme Antichrist.”
“The arrival of the Antichrist in history, according to St. John in his Apocalypse, will signal the final phase of the war between the Woman and the Serpent, a war to which all persons have been called from the beginning of the world.
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S. J. continues: “No doubt agnostic and sophisticates will smile patronizingly at the prophecy of the Antichrist’s coming in a pestilence of heresies, preternatural heroics and wars. Progressist (liberal) Catholics will join the intellectual scoffers. It was thus in the days of Noah who was laughed to scorn as he built his ark of salvation. It was thus in the days of Abraham as he pleaded fruitlessly with Sodom and Gomorrah. It was thus in the days of Christ as He wept over the city of Jerusalem. All these skeptics were wiped out violently for their incredulity. It will be thus at the end of time. For the wicked are too proud to accept and understand the ways of God. In those last perilous days men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful , unholy, without natural affection; truce breakers, false-accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those who are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God, scoffers walking after their own lusts and jeering: Where is the promise of His Second Coming? Men will be despisers of government, presumptuous, self-willed, calumniators of civil and religious authorities, promising everyone liberty while subjecting themselves and their fellowmen to the corruption of runaway licentiousness.”
Think not that the Antichrist will not attack in fury or that the times we live in today are free of this for;
as Our Lady said at LaSallete, in 1858 in her apparition to the Church and to humanity:
“Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
Consider how the Antichrist Francis and his minions, the popes of Vatican II have fulfilled these prophecies and where millions of souls are being led in our own times by this infamous revolution of evil. Uncatechized souls are everywhere who don’t know the Catholic faith, and don’t care to know it and who are obsessed with the world the flesh and the devil!!! For example, no catechesis or preaching against the major mortal sins of the flesh: drunkenness, pornography, masturbation, contraception, fornication, adultery, and the “scourge of the earth”—sodomy and transvestites and sex changes, plus sterility!!! Furthermore, Pharisaical priests, bishops, and popes, especially Francis, for the last 60 years since Vatican Council II continue to ravage the true Church of Christ with simply little or no Marian devotions and supplications to the “purest of the pure”, Mary : with virtually no rosaries, no litanies, no novenas, repression of feast days of Mary in the so-called new calendar of the Novus Ordo as well as no references to Mary in the “New Mass” and the saints; so as not to offend Protestants, Nonbelievers, and those false religions of the world which attack Catholic devotion to Mary like never before in human history.
Francis in all his abysmal unorthodox demonic ways has done nothing, absolutely nothing to promote devotion to the Mother of the God as all popes before the “council”. For example Pius XI teaches so beautifully this “Sine Qua Non” of Marian devotion to save one’s soul:
He relates a radio message to Lourdes, April 28, 1935: “O Mother of piety and mercy, who as Co-Redemptrix stood by your most sweet Son suffering with Him when He consummated the Redemption of the human race on the altar of the cross….please preserve in us, we beg, day by day, the precious fruits of the Redemption and of your compassion. “
St. Ephemera goes so far as to say, “ that the name of “If then, O brethren,” concludes Thomas a’ Kempis, “you desire consolation in every labor have recourse to Mary; invoke the name of Mary, honor Mary, recommend yourselves to Mary, rejoice with Mary, weep with Mary, pray with Mary, walk with Mary, seek Jesus with Mary; in totality, desire to live and die with Jesus and Mary. By acting thus you will always advance in the ways of God, for Mary will most willingly pray for you, and her Son will most certainly grant all that his Mother asks.”
Thus, we see that the most holy name of Mary is sweet indeed to her clients during life, on account of the very great graces that she obtains for them. But sweeter still will it be to them in death, on account of the tranquil and holy end that it will insure them.
“Blessed is the man who loves thy name, O Mary,” exclaims St; Bonaventure. “Yes, truly blessed is he who loves thy sweet name, O Mother of God!!! For, he continues, “thy name is so glorious and admirable, that no one who remembers it has any fears at the hour of death.” Such is its power, that none of those who invoke it at the hour of death fear the assaults of their enemies.
With these above words from “Glories of Mary” by St. Alphonsus Liguori, we see why so many, many souls go to ruin without invoking the Name of Mary. This is the reason why so many non-believers, fallen away Catholics, Protestants, Agnostics, and Atheists, etc. lose their souls because they do not see Mary as the spiritual mother of us all, as Jesus said on the Cross with His dying breath to St. John and Mary, his Mother: “Woman behold thy Son” to St. John. And , “ Son, behold thy Mother.”
Now let us turn to Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J.’s masterpiece the “Antichrist”
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S. J. continues: “And so when many modernist priests and intellectual Catholics downgrade devotion to Christ through Mary, when they cut off the spiritual life line of zealous love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary, it is small wonder they lose a sense of their own identity, of the meaning of being a Catholic. It is small wonder that they become tepid, confused and fall victims to Satan’s snares. For the devil and his Antichrist are conquered by men and women of God, men and women of Mary.
Let us condemn now, loud and strong, Francis and his advocacy of voting for a democrat such as Joe Biden who is everything but a faithful Roman Catholic and his advocacy of abortion, homosexuality and other universal brotherhood tactics of “uniting America again”, which is nothing more than gibberish of the Antichrist! Let us turn to a giant of Catholic orthodoxy and former director of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the faith under Pope Benedict XVI who totally attacks this kind of diabolical advocacy in the American Election and voting for a democrat like Joe Biden for president:
“The outcome of the U.S. election will determine whetherthe U.S. remains the leading power in the world—for freedom and democracy—or whether a Communist dictatorship like Red China will assume that role for the global community.”
Cardinal Muller said.
“Today Mary’s war continues to be waged victoriously against the Antichrist and against all who imitate and follow him. But victory over these forces of evil depends on man’s fidelity to the Holy Mother and her divine Child. Mary, who was never for an instant a slave of Satan, is doing and will continue to do her prayerfully omnipotent utmost to assure victory over the Serpent-Dragon and his Antichrist. But the peace and joy of that victory will be tasted eternally only by those WHO NEVER CEASE TO TRUST AND FOLLOW HER GUIDANCE.”
Therefore, say your daily rosary: devoutly, reverently, purely, and innocently to the Mother of God by invoking her sweet name at prayer always!!!
“May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace; and may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men, now and forever. Amen.”
J Hughes Dunphy
The holiest of words by Jesus Christ, Our Lord and God and the Divine Word!!!” This is the modus operandi of the Antichrist and of all false prophets, viz. Francis. Just what does the orthodox Roman Catholic think of Francis’ latest covert diabolical teaching entitled “Fratelli Tuti” in which he teaches authoritatively from the throne of Peter a most fallacious masonic brotherhood , that all political and religious leaders should promote and encourage. This is pure and simple Antichrist rhetoric when there is only one spiritual brotherhood of souls within the Catholic Church: “Outside the Church there is no Salvation!”, which is a perennial doctrine of the Catholic Church for 2000 years where Mary, Christ’s Mother, prays for the salvation of all souls if you invoke her!!! Moreover Francis the Antichrist Pope condemns as mere “foolishness” the concept calling Mary “the Co-Redemptrix”!!!
Mary indeed is the Mother of all the Saved and the Co-Redemptrix, as a refernce to her words in Ecclesiasticus 24,25 tell all: “I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue.”
St. Ephrem goes so far as to say, “that the name of Mary is the key of the gates of heaven,” in the hands of those who devoutly invoke it. And so it is not without reason that St. Bonaventure says: “ that Mary is the salvation of all who call upon her: for he addresses her, saying: “O salvation of all who invoke thee!” meaning, that to obtain eternal salvation and invoke her name are synonymous; and Richard of St. Lawrence affirms, “That the devout invocation of this sweet and holy name leads to the acquisition of superabundant graces in this life, and a very high degree of glory in the next.”
“If then, O brethren, “concludes Thomas a’ Kempis, “you desire consolation in every labor, have recourse to Mary; invoke the name of Mary, honor Mary, recommend yourselves to Mary, in totality, desire to live and die with Jesus and Mary. By acting thus you will always advance in the ways of God for Mary will most willingly pray for you, and her Divine Son will most certainly grant all that his Mother asks.”
Thus, we see that the most holy name of Mary is sweet indeed to her clients during life, on account of the graces that she obtains for them. But sweeter still will it be to them in death, on account of the tranquil and holy end that it will insure them.
“Blessed is the ,man who loves thy name, O Mary,” exclaims St. Bonaventure, “ Yes , truly blessed is he who loves thy sweet name, O Mother of God!!! For, he continues, “ thy name is so glorious and admirable, that no one who remembers it has any fears at the hour of death.” Such is its power, that none of those who invoke it at the hour of death fear the assaults of their enemies. All this immediately preceding from “the Glories of Mary” by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Now let us comprehend the importance of Mary as the archenemy of the Antichrist and why she is surely the Co-Redemptrix with Jesus Christ, her Son.
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J. from his awesome book on the “Antichrist” amplifies this:
“The history of salvation closes with Mary as Mother with Child even as it began with Mary as Mother with Child. The circle of salvation history will close with Christ and His Mother as it opened with the Mother of God and her Son. The Woman, the Mother of God, and Christ and His Church, which is the camp of the saints, have all been foreseen and rightly considered from the beginning of time, the great and fearsome adversaries of the Serpent-Dragon, his mini-antichrists and his supreme Antichrist.”
“The arrival of the Antichrist in history, according to St. John in his Apocalypse, will signal the final phase of the war between the Woman and the Serpent, a war to which all persons have been called from the beginning of the world.
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S. J. continues: “No doubt agnostic and sophisticates will smile patronizingly at the prophecy of the Antichrist’s coming in a pestilence of heresies, preternatural heroics and wars. Progressist (liberal) Catholics will join the intellectual scoffers. It was thus in the days of Noah who was laughed to scorn as he built his ark of salvation. It was thus in the days of Abraham as he pleaded fruitlessly with Sodom and Gomorrah. It was thus in the days of Christ as He wept over the city of Jerusalem. All these skeptics were wiped out violently for their incredulity. It will be thus at the end of time. For the wicked are too proud to accept and understand the ways of God. In those last perilous days men shall be lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful , unholy, without natural affection; truce breakers, false-accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those who are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God, scoffers walking after their own lusts and jeering: Where is the promise of His Second Coming? Men will be despisers of government, presumptuous, self-willed, calumniators of civil and religious authorities, promising everyone liberty while subjecting themselves and their fellowmen to the corruption of runaway licentiousness.”
Think not that the Antichrist will not attack in fury or that the times we live in today are free of this for;
as Our Lady said at LaSallete, in 1858 in her apparition to the Church and to humanity:
“Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.”
Consider how the Antichrist Francis and his minions, the popes of Vatican II have fulfilled these prophecies and where millions of souls are being led in our own times by this infamous revolution of evil. Uncatechized souls are everywhere who don’t know the Catholic faith, and don’t care to know it and who are obsessed with the world the flesh and the devil!!! For example, no catechesis or preaching against the major mortal sins of the flesh: drunkenness, pornography, masturbation, contraception, fornication, adultery, and the “scourge of the earth”—sodomy and transvestites and sex changes, plus sterility!!! Furthermore, Pharisaical priests, bishops, and popes, especially Francis, for the last 60 years since Vatican Council II continue to ravage the true Church of Christ with simply little or no Marian devotions and supplications to the “purest of the pure”, Mary : with virtually no rosaries, no litanies, no novenas, repression of feast days of Mary in the so-called new calendar of the Novus Ordo as well as no references to Mary in the “New Mass” and the saints; so as not to offend Protestants, Nonbelievers, and those false religions of the world which attack Catholic devotion to Mary like never before in human history.
Francis in all his abysmal unorthodox demonic ways has done nothing, absolutely nothing to promote devotion to the Mother of the God as all popes before the “council”. For example Pius XI teaches so beautifully this “Sine Qua Non” of Marian devotion to save one’s soul:
He relates a radio message to Lourdes, April 28, 1935: “O Mother of piety and mercy, who as Co-Redemptrix stood by your most sweet Son suffering with Him when He consummated the Redemption of the human race on the altar of the cross….please preserve in us, we beg, day by day, the precious fruits of the Redemption and of your compassion. “
St. Ephemera goes so far as to say, “ that the name of
Thus, we see that the most holy name of Mary is sweet indeed to her clients during life, on account of the very great graces that she obtains for them. But sweeter still will it be to them in death, on account of the tranquil and holy end that it will insure them.
“Blessed is the man who loves thy name, O Mary,” exclaims St; Bonaventure. “Yes, truly blessed is he who loves thy sweet name, O Mother of God!!! For, he continues, “thy name is so glorious and admirable, that no one who remembers it has any fears at the hour of death.” Such is its power, that none of those who invoke it at the hour of death fear the assaults of their enemies.
With these above words from “Glories of Mary” by St. Alphonsus Liguori, we see why so many, many souls go to ruin without invoking the Name of Mary. This is the reason why so many non-believers, fallen away Catholics, Protestants, Agnostics, and Atheists, etc. lose their souls because they do not see Mary as the spiritual mother of us all, as Jesus said on the Cross with His dying breath to St. John and Mary, his Mother: “Woman behold thy Son” to St. John. And , “ Son, behold thy Mother.”
Now let us turn to Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J.’s masterpiece the “Antichrist”
Fr. Vincent Miceli, S. J. continues: “And so when many modernist priests and intellectual Catholics downgrade devotion to Christ through Mary, when they cut off the spiritual life line of zealous love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary, it is small wonder they lose a sense of their own identity, of the meaning of being a Catholic. It is small wonder that they become tepid, confused and fall victims to Satan’s snares. For the devil and his Antichrist are conquered by men and women of God, men and women of Mary.
Let us condemn now, loud and strong, Francis and his advocacy of voting for a democrat such as Joe Biden who is everything but a faithful Roman Catholic and his advocacy of abortion, homosexuality and other universal brotherhood tactics of “uniting America again”, which is nothing more than gibberish of the Antichrist! Let us turn to a giant of Catholic orthodoxy and former director of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the faith under Pope Benedict XVI who totally attacks this kind of diabolical advocacy in the American Election and voting for a democrat like Joe Biden for president:
“The outcome of the U.S. election will determine whetherthe U.S. remains the leading power in the world—for freedom and democracy—or whether a Communist dictatorship like Red China will assume that role for the global community.”
Cardinal Muller said.
“Today Mary’s war continues to be waged victoriously against the Antichrist and against all who imitate and follow him. But victory over these forces of evil depends on man’s fidelity to the Holy Mother and her divine Child. Mary, who was never for an instant a slave of Satan, is doing and will continue to do her prayerfully omnipotent utmost to assure victory over the Serpent-Dragon and his Antichrist. But the peace and joy of that victory will be tasted eternally only by those WHO NEVER CEASE TO TRUST AND FOLLOW HER GUIDANCE.”
Therefore, say your daily rosary: devoutly, reverently, purely, and innocently to the Mother of God by invoking her sweet name at prayer always!!!
“May the darkness of sin and the night of heathenism vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of Grace; and may the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of men, now and forever. Amen.”
J Hughes Dunphy