December 2023
Sodomy Blessed
Bergoglio the accursed antichrist has just ok'd the hellish sin of homosexuality and the blasphemous and sacrilegious blessing of priests upon the abomination! God save us!!!
Priests who bless such filthy perversity commit the act of blasphemy of the Most Holy Name of God and sacrilege and condemn themselves as priests and bishops to hell fire, if unrepentant, for eternity and those
who knowingly receive such blessings!!
How can a faithful Roman Catholic submit their souls to such atrocious behavior, for even at mass and the other seven sacraments
become null and void on the part of the priest, if done in willful mortal sin!! All of this, following the deceit of the antichrist Bergoglio as we as his henchmen, all modernists, who are perverse cardinals, bishops and priests who underwrite this abomination. Does not such a sacrilege jeopardize the validity and legitimacy of their priesthood and all its duties for performing these acts in a state of mortal sin because of these infamous and diabolic blessing of homosexuals?
And does this not make all their Masses and Sacraments and Confessions and the Consecration of the Holy Eucharist invalid and
sinful? Who can forgive such an abomination?
Of course, this sacrilegious act of Bergoglio, the antichrist, is heinous calling evil, good and failing to say what is right and wrong
and teaching in effect there is no heaven or hell, religion or God, and no judgment or judge to worry about!!!
Let us look now, closely, the results of this evil turpitude of the antichrist Bergoglio on what it shall render to all souls and his also for precipitation this blasphemy of God and sacrilege on the Body of Christ and for not teaching the absolute importance of the holy virtue of purity in the Great theologian and St. Alphonus Ligouri!!!
We have now to speak of the fourth gate of Hell, which is impurity or sexual sins, and it is by this gate that the greater number of the damned enter. Some will say that it is a trifling sin. Is it a trifling sin? It is a mortal sin.
St. Antoninus writes that such is the nauseousness of this sin that the devils themselves cannot endure it. Moreover, the Doctors of the Church say that certain demons, who have been superior to the rest, remembering their ancient dignity, disdain tempting to so loathsome a sin. Consider then how disgusting he must be to God, who, like a dog, is ever returning to his vomit, or wallowing like a pig in the stinking mire of this accursed vice (2 Pet 2.22).
The impure say, moreover, "God has compassion on us who are subject to this vice, because He knows that we are flesh." What do you say? God has compassion on this vice? But you must know that the most horrible chastisements with which God has ever visited the earth have been drawn down by this vice.
St. Jerome says that this is the only sin of which we read that it caused God to repent of having made man, for all flesh had become corrupted. And so it is, St. Jerome says, that there is no sin which God punishes so rigorously, even upon earth, as this. He once sent fire from Heaven upon five cities, and consumed all their inhabitants for this sin at Sodom and Gomorrah. Principally on account of this sin did God destroy mankind, with the exception of eight persons, by the flood. It is a sin which God punishes, not only in the other life, but in this also. Because, says God, you have forgotten Me and turned your back upon Me, for a miserable pleasure of the flesh, I am resolved that even in this life you shall pay the price of your wickedness (Ezek 23.35).
You say, "God has compassion upon men subject to this sin." But it is this sin that sends most men to Hell. St. Remigius says that the greater number of the damned are in Hell through this vice. Father Segneri writes that as this vice fills the world with sinners, so it fills Hell with damned souls; and before him St. Bernardine of Siena wrote: "This sin draws the whole world, as it were,
into sin." And before him St. Bernard and St. Isidore said that "the human race is brought under the power of the devil more by lust than by all the other vices." The reason is because this vice proceeds from the natural inclination of the flesh. Hence St Thomas Aquinas says that the devil does not take such complacency in securing the commission of any other sin as of this, because the person who is plunged in this infernal mire remains lodged therein, and almost wholly unable to free himself again.
"No one is so obstinate in sin as the impure," says St. Thomas of Villanova. Moreover, this vice deprives one of all light, for the impure man becomes so blind as almost wholly to forget God, says St. Laurence Justinian; which is in accordance with what is said by the prophet Hosea: They will not set their thoughts to return to their God; for the spirit of fornication is in the midst of them, and they have not known God (Hos 5.4). The impure man does not know God; he obeys neither God nor reason, as St. Jerome says; he obeys only the sensual appetite which causes him to act like a beast.
This sin, because it flatters, makes us fall at once into the habit of it, a habit which some
carry with them even to death. You see husbands, and decrepit old men, indulge in the same thoughts and committing the same sins that they committed in their youth. And because sins of this kind are so easily committed, they become multiplied without number. Ask of the sinner how many impure thoughts he has consented to: he will tell you he cannot remember. But, brother, if you cannot tell the number, God can; and you know that a single willful immodest thought is enough to send you to Hell. How many immodest words have you spoken, in which you took delight yourself, and by which you scandalized your neighbor? From thoughts and words you proceed to acts, and to those innumerable impurities which those wretches roll and wallow in like swine, without ever being satisfied, for this vice is never satisfied.
But, Father, you will say, how can I holdout against the innumerable temptations which assail me? I am weak, I am flesh. And since you are weak, why not recommend yourself to God, and to most holy Mary, who is the mother of purity? Since you are flesh, Why do you harm yourself in the way of sin? Why do you not guard your eyes? Why do you gaz.e upon those objects from which temptations flow? is to be remarked, moreover, that this sin brings with it innumerable others: enmities, thefts, and, more especially, sacrilegious confessions and Communions, by reason of the shame which will not allow these impurities to be disclosed in confession. And let us remark here in passing, that it is sacrilege above all things that brings upon us sickness and death; for, says the Apostle, "He that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord"; and then he adds: "therefore are many infirm and weak among you." (1 Cor 11.29-30) And St. John Chrysostom, in explanation of that passage, says that St. Paul speaks of persons who were chastised with bodily infirmities because they received the Sacrament with a guilty conscience. My brethren, should you ever have been sunk in this vice, I do not bid you be disheartened, but arise at once from this foul and infernal pit; be,g of God immediately to give you light, and stretch out His hand to you. The first thing that you have to do is to break with the occasion of sin: without that, preaching and tears and resolutions and confessions, all are lost. Remove the occasions, and then Remove the occasions, and then
c nstantly recommend yourself to God, and to Mary the mother of purity. No matter how grrevo sly you may be tempted, do not be discouraged by the temptation; at once call to your a1d Jesus and Mary, pronouncing their sacred names. These blessed names have the owr of ma ing the devil fly, and stifllng that hellish flame within you. If the devil pers1sts 1n tempting you, _persevere in calling upon Jesus and Mary, and certainly you shall not fall. In order to nd yourself of your evil habits, undertake some special devotion to our Lady; begin to fast in her honor upon Saturdays; contrive to visit her image every ay, ad beg of he_r o obtain for you deliverance from that vice. Every morning
Immediately after rrsm_g, never omit saying three "Hail Marys" in honor of her purity and
do the amwhen gomg to bed;* and above all things, as I have said, when the temptation IS most troublesome, call quickly upon Jesus and Mary.
the three Fatima children still alive, told a priest that the Third Prophecy warned that the end was near: "We are living in the last epoch of the world," she said.
Instead of turning to Christ, as Mary begged, men turned further away from the church in the ensuing decades, waging gen ocidal wars and building increasingly destructive weapons.
In 1973, at Akita, Japan, Mary made another last-ditch ap peal to humankind. She revealed to Sister Agnes Sasagawa that within a few decades, "several entire nations" would be destroyed. "Fire will faU from the sky. A great part of humanity wiU be
annihilated," she said. "Those who survive will envy the dead because everywhere there will be desolation, death and ruin.'' Most recently, throughout the 1990s, an obscure Catholic priest named Father Stefano Gobbi has received messages from Mary about the End Times -indicating they are already upon us.
The messages, he was told, incorporated the secret Third Prophecy Mary revealed at Fatima.
The following are exerpts from what now appears to be Mary's last prophecy:
1 am coming down from Heaven, so that the final se crets may be revealed to you and that I may be able to pre pare you for what, as of now, you must live through for the purification of the Earth.
"Satan has set up his kingdom in the world.
He is now ruling over you as a sure victor.
"The powers which are directing and arranging human events, according to their perverse plans, are the dark powers of evil. They have succeeded in bringing all humanity to live without God. They have spread everywhere the error of atheism.
"They have built the new idols before which humanity is bowing down in adoration: Pleasure, money, pride, impuri ty, mastery over others and impiety.
"Satan has been the uncontested dominator of the events of this century of yours, bringing all humanity to the rekctioa of God and of His law of love, spreading far and wide division and hatred, immorality and wickedness, and legitimizing divorce, abortion, obscenity and homosexuality.
"Humanity has not accepted my motherly request to return to the Lord along the road of conversion of the heart and of the life, of prayer and of penance. Thus, it has known the terrible years of the Second World War, which brought about tens of millions of deaths.
"Wars have multiplied in every part of the world and you are now living in the danger of a terrible world war which will bring destruction to peoples and nations, a war from which no one will emerge victorious.
The great trial has now arrived for all.
11The Church will know the hour of its greatest aposta sy. The Anti-Christ will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God, while the Uttle remnant which remain faithful will be sub .. jected to the greatest persecution.
11There will be false teachers among you. These seek to introduce disastrous heresies and will set themselves against the Master. Many will listen to them and will follow their licentious ways.
"Nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be epidemics, famines, floods and earth· quakes in many places. All this will be only the beginning of greater sufferings to come. The sun will be darkened and the moon wijl not give its light and stars will faU from the sky.
11The moment of the full manifestation of the Anti Christ is drawing ever nearer.
"I have called upon you to consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heaf'lt to enter into the safe refuge which your Heavenly Mother has prepared for you, to protect you from the fire of chastisement. God will save those who persevere until the end."
Priests who bless such filthy perversity commit the act of blasphemy of the Most Holy Name of God and sacrilege and condemn themselves as priests and bishops to hell fire, if unrepentant, for eternity and those
who knowingly receive such blessings!!
How can a faithful Roman Catholic submit their souls to such atrocious behavior, for even at mass and the other seven sacraments
become null and void on the part of the priest, if done in willful mortal sin!! All of this, following the deceit of the antichrist Bergoglio as we as his henchmen, all modernists, who are perverse cardinals, bishops and priests who underwrite this abomination. Does not such a sacrilege jeopardize the validity and legitimacy of their priesthood and all its duties for performing these acts in a state of mortal sin because of these infamous and diabolic blessing of homosexuals?
And does this not make all their Masses and Sacraments and Confessions and the Consecration of the Holy Eucharist invalid and
sinful? Who can forgive such an abomination?
Of course, this sacrilegious act of Bergoglio, the antichrist, is heinous calling evil, good and failing to say what is right and wrong
and teaching in effect there is no heaven or hell, religion or God, and no judgment or judge to worry about!!!
Let us look now, closely, the results of this evil turpitude of the antichrist Bergoglio on what it shall render to all souls and his also for precipitation this blasphemy of God and sacrilege on the Body of Christ and for not teaching the absolute importance of the holy virtue of purity in the Great theologian and St. Alphonus Ligouri!!!
We have now to speak of the fourth gate of Hell, which is impurity or sexual sins, and it is by this gate that the greater number of the damned enter. Some will say that it is a trifling sin. Is it a trifling sin? It is a mortal sin.
St. Antoninus writes that such is the nauseousness of this sin that the devils themselves cannot endure it. Moreover, the Doctors of the Church say that certain demons, who have been superior to the rest, remembering their ancient dignity, disdain tempting to so loathsome a sin. Consider then how disgusting he must be to God, who, like a dog, is ever returning to his vomit, or wallowing like a pig in the stinking mire of this accursed vice (2 Pet 2.22).
The impure say, moreover, "God has compassion on us who are subject to this vice, because He knows that we are flesh." What do you say? God has compassion on this vice? But you must know that the most horrible chastisements with which God has ever visited the earth have been drawn down by this vice.
St. Jerome says that this is the only sin of which we read that it caused God to repent of having made man, for all flesh had become corrupted. And so it is, St. Jerome says, that there is no sin which God punishes so rigorously, even upon earth, as this. He once sent fire from Heaven upon five cities, and consumed all their inhabitants for this sin at Sodom and Gomorrah. Principally on account of this sin did God destroy mankind, with the exception of eight persons, by the flood. It is a sin which God punishes, not only in the other life, but in this also. Because, says God, you have forgotten Me and turned your back upon Me, for a miserable pleasure of the flesh, I am resolved that even in this life you shall pay the price of your wickedness (Ezek 23.35).
You say, "God has compassion upon men subject to this sin." But it is this sin that sends most men to Hell. St. Remigius says that the greater number of the damned are in Hell through this vice. Father Segneri writes that as this vice fills the world with sinners, so it fills Hell with damned souls; and before him St. Bernardine of Siena wrote: "This sin draws the whole world, as it were,
into sin." And before him St. Bernard and St. Isidore said that "the human race is brought under the power of the devil more by lust than by all the other vices." The reason is because this vice proceeds from the natural inclination of the flesh. Hence St Thomas Aquinas says that the devil does not take such complacency in securing the commission of any other sin as of this, because the person who is plunged in this infernal mire remains lodged therein, and almost wholly unable to free himself again.
"No one is so obstinate in sin as the impure," says St. Thomas of Villanova. Moreover, this vice deprives one of all light, for the impure man becomes so blind as almost wholly to forget God, says St. Laurence Justinian; which is in accordance with what is said by the prophet Hosea: They will not set their thoughts to return to their God; for the spirit of fornication is in the midst of them, and they have not known God (Hos 5.4). The impure man does not know God; he obeys neither God nor reason, as St. Jerome says; he obeys only the sensual appetite which causes him to act like a beast.
This sin, because it flatters, makes us fall at once into the habit of it, a habit which some
carry with them even to death. You see husbands, and decrepit old men, indulge in the same thoughts and committing the same sins that they committed in their youth. And because sins of this kind are so easily committed, they become multiplied without number. Ask of the sinner how many impure thoughts he has consented to: he will tell you he cannot remember. But, brother, if you cannot tell the number, God can; and you know that a single willful immodest thought is enough to send you to Hell. How many immodest words have you spoken, in which you took delight yourself, and by which you scandalized your neighbor? From thoughts and words you proceed to acts, and to those innumerable impurities which those wretches roll and wallow in like swine, without ever being satisfied, for this vice is never satisfied.
But, Father, you will say, how can I holdout against the innumerable temptations which assail me? I am weak, I am flesh. And since you are weak, why not recommend yourself to God, and to most holy Mary, who is the mother of purity? Since you are flesh, Why do you harm yourself in the way of sin? Why do you not guard your eyes? Why do you gaz.e upon those objects from which temptations flow? is to be remarked, moreover, that this sin brings with it innumerable others: enmities, thefts, and, more especially, sacrilegious confessions and Communions, by reason of the shame which will not allow these impurities to be disclosed in confession. And let us remark here in passing, that it is sacrilege above all things that brings upon us sickness and death; for, says the Apostle, "He that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord"; and then he adds: "therefore are many infirm and weak among you." (1 Cor 11.29-30) And St. John Chrysostom, in explanation of that passage, says that St. Paul speaks of persons who were chastised with bodily infirmities because they received the Sacrament with a guilty conscience. My brethren, should you ever have been sunk in this vice, I do not bid you be disheartened, but arise at once from this foul and infernal pit; be,g of God immediately to give you light, and stretch out His hand to you. The first thing that you have to do is to break with the occasion of sin: without that, preaching and tears and resolutions and confessions, all are lost. Remove the occasions, and then Remove the occasions, and then
c nstantly recommend yourself to God, and to Mary the mother of purity. No matter how grrevo sly you may be tempted, do not be discouraged by the temptation; at once call to your a1d Jesus and Mary, pronouncing their sacred names. These blessed names have the owr of ma ing the devil fly, and stifllng that hellish flame within you. If the devil pers1sts 1n tempting you, _persevere in calling upon Jesus and Mary, and certainly you shall not fall. In order to nd yourself of your evil habits, undertake some special devotion to our Lady; begin to fast in her honor upon Saturdays; contrive to visit her image every ay, ad beg of he_r o obtain for you deliverance from that vice. Every morning
Immediately after rrsm_g, never omit saying three "Hail Marys" in honor of her purity and
do the amwhen gomg to bed;* and above all things, as I have said, when the temptation IS most troublesome, call quickly upon Jesus and Mary.
the three Fatima children still alive, told a priest that the Third Prophecy warned that the end was near: "We are living in the last epoch of the world," she said.
Instead of turning to Christ, as Mary begged, men turned further away from the church in the ensuing decades, waging gen ocidal wars and building increasingly destructive weapons.
In 1973, at Akita, Japan, Mary made another last-ditch ap peal to humankind. She revealed to Sister Agnes Sasagawa that within a few decades, "several entire nations" would be destroyed. "Fire will faU from the sky. A great part of humanity wiU be
annihilated," she said. "Those who survive will envy the dead because everywhere there will be desolation, death and ruin.'' Most recently, throughout the 1990s, an obscure Catholic priest named Father Stefano Gobbi has received messages from Mary about the End Times -indicating they are already upon us.
The messages, he was told, incorporated the secret Third Prophecy Mary revealed at Fatima.
The following are exerpts from what now appears to be Mary's last prophecy:
1 am coming down from Heaven, so that the final se crets may be revealed to you and that I may be able to pre pare you for what, as of now, you must live through for the purification of the Earth.
"Satan has set up his kingdom in the world.
He is now ruling over you as a sure victor.
"The powers which are directing and arranging human events, according to their perverse plans, are the dark powers of evil. They have succeeded in bringing all humanity to live without God. They have spread everywhere the error of atheism.
"They have built the new idols before which humanity is bowing down in adoration: Pleasure, money, pride, impuri ty, mastery over others and impiety.
"Satan has been the uncontested dominator of the events of this century of yours, bringing all humanity to the rekctioa of God and of His law of love, spreading far and wide division and hatred, immorality and wickedness, and legitimizing divorce, abortion, obscenity and homosexuality.
"Humanity has not accepted my motherly request to return to the Lord along the road of conversion of the heart and of the life, of prayer and of penance. Thus, it has known the terrible years of the Second World War, which brought about tens of millions of deaths.
"Wars have multiplied in every part of the world and you are now living in the danger of a terrible world war which will bring destruction to peoples and nations, a war from which no one will emerge victorious.
The great trial has now arrived for all.
11The Church will know the hour of its greatest aposta sy. The Anti-Christ will enter into the holy temple of God and will sit on his throne and have himself adored as God, while the Uttle remnant which remain faithful will be sub .. jected to the greatest persecution.
11There will be false teachers among you. These seek to introduce disastrous heresies and will set themselves against the Master. Many will listen to them and will follow their licentious ways.
"Nations will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be epidemics, famines, floods and earth· quakes in many places. All this will be only the beginning of greater sufferings to come. The sun will be darkened and the moon wijl not give its light and stars will faU from the sky.
11The moment of the full manifestation of the Anti Christ is drawing ever nearer.
"I have called upon you to consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heaf'lt to enter into the safe refuge which your Heavenly Mother has prepared for you, to protect you from the fire of chastisement. God will save those who persevere until the end."